Monday, February 13, 2012

My mom...

My mom…
My mom has always driven me nuts. From the time I was a small child, she had a way of annoying me. I hear you. What kind of thing to say when you’ve just lost her.
Let me explain.
My mother was a Girl Scout Leader, then an area-wide regional leader. I was very proud of my mother. My mother was always a compassionate person. That’s where I get mine. My lack of patience comes from my dad. I became a Girl Scout because of my mother, for 17 years. I loved it. Still love camping, hiking and such to this day. My mother did that.
My mother was creative. She graduated with a Associates Degree in Art. Therefore, my sister and I had fancy birthday cakes. My mom got creative with putting out gifts at Easter and Christmas. Now, I like trying to make things perfect if I decorate for any holiday, and made a few fancy birthday cakes for my husband and family. My mother did that.
When I had sleepovers, my mom would always get up early and make a huge breakfast for me and my friends. My friends thought she was the best. She left an impression on them, as I am now seeing.
My mother loved me. She might have loved her cats more, but that was just my mom. She was one of those real ‘Crazy old cat ladies’. The sad part of my story is my mother was addicted to prescription drugs from before I was born. That is a lot of years. Too many.
My sister and I have been through rehab with her, several times. It never stuck. I love my mom. I will miss her. And am very annoyed that she left me. Now I have to care for her cats. *sighs* But I will, because I love my mom. Always.

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