Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Carah's Bucket List

I’ve heard so much about what is called a Bucket List, and have decided to create my own version. A Bucket List comes from the term, Kick the Bucket. Well, we all know what that term means, and I’m sure no one is looking forward to it.
From what I have read, this Bucket List can contain any number of items on it (in it?) from ten to 1,000. As I think about all the things I would like to do before I ‘kick the bucket’, I can’t possibly come up with 1,000! But I will try to include those things I most wish to do.
See the coast…any coast. I have never seen the ocean. Never smelled the sea air, or heard the waves outside a CD. I’ve seen pictures of course, but I am positive that they do not do justice to the actual thing.
Ride in a hot air balloon. The idea to be hundreds of feet in the stratosphere, dependent solely on hot air sounds thrilling. I do not have the courage to hang-glide, or parachute. I think I would much prefer to cling to a small wicker basket than nylon wings.
Scuba-dive. This sort of fits with the whole see the ocean idea. And when I say scuba-dive, I mean with all the attachments, including a tank of air. I have no desire to snorkel in the ocean. I can’t hold my breath that long and do, in fact, have a fear of drowning. I’d like to add to this, as I scuba-dive, I would like to see the Great Barrier Reef.
Gaze upon the Seven Wonders of the World. I know this one sounds cliché, but they aren’t called the Seven Wonders of the World for nothing. But as I have discovered, there are actually many lists, the ancient wonders, and the modern wonders, natural wonders and even industrial wonders. I have plucked a few without regard to which list they come from. 1. I would like to experience the Chunnel. To take a train under the English Channel from the UK to France would be awesome. Good thing I’m not claustrophobic! Lol 2. See the great pyramids at Giza. These are a must for any human to sit in their shadow. I don’t believe there was ever such a stunning example of architecture. 3. The moving lava trails of an active volcano. Nature at her most violent. I am a Mother Nature whore and get excited over a lightning storm. So sue me. 4. The Great Wall of China. This I would like to see and walk upon and maybe glean from touching it the whole history of its existence. 5. The Grand Canyon. What? You say. I live in Arizona and have never seen ‘the big hole in the ground’? That’s right, never seen it. 6. To wander among the rocks of Stonehenge. This fascinates me as I am descended from the druids and mystical ancestors that probably knew the original meaning to the placement of these immense stones. 7. And last, something that is not really on the ‘Wonders’ list, but should be. I would like to step upon the thick, cold snow and ice of Antarctica. Maybe even traipse where no human has ever set foot.
To feel weightlessness. Now, I don’t mean take a ride in a space shuttle, but just enter one of those chambers and have gravity disappear. Somehow, I equate that to a freedom few have ever experienced. Unless they are an astronaut. Lol
I would like to see our galaxy/universe through a telescope strong enough to bring it to me clearly. The majority of the really good telescopes are floating around it space. There is one in Arizona (quite famous actually) and a few elsewhere. But there is one that has yet to be built that will have a 42 foot lens and is reported to be the strongest ever built. I’ll wait for that. *g*
I would like to see the Aurora Borealis. And I don’t mean these funny little imitations you can capture further south. I mean the real thing that hovers over the arctic and Canada (and Alaska).
I would like to go spelunking in some of the most famous caverns. Again, nature whore here.
I would like to ride shotgun in an Indy 500 race car…just once. I know my poor heart could not handle a second time around the track.
I would like to hike through the Amazon jungle. And hopefully not get lost. And carry a lot of bug spray and anti-venom.
I would like to go to the Oscars. I’m a very quiet fangirl. I would promise not to squee/stalk or otherwise let the famous A-list celebrities think I’m anything but sane. Hopefully they won’t mind me shoving my autograph book under their noses?
I would like to own a professional sports team. Preferably baseball or hockey, but I won’t be picky if it gives me the chance to wander through the locker room, during shower time.
I would like to bring every single American soldier home to his/her family and in one piece. L I know, unrealistic, but I still want to. This is a Bucket List after all. I can put whatever I want in it. *sticks out tongue*.
I would love to go camping for a whole month in the wilderness with nothing but me, a horse, sleeping bag and food. I am a diehard Girl Scout. I love camping, but the longest I’ve ever camped is ten days, and not with a horse. I hate the riding trails, where the horse you are on follows the tail of the one in front of it. Boring!! I want to pretend I’m in the Wild West (minus the Indian threat) and just relax.
I would like to be filthy rich, living in a mansion with servants. And then taking all my millions (or billions) and giving it to charities and taking care of homeless animals and children, using it to protect the abused and forgotten, seeking cures for all the horrid diseases that cause so much suffering, and try to make a better world for all.
I want my sister to be happy and healthy. We’ve had a hard life, and she deserves a break.
Ok, so here are 16 of my more thought of dreams and wishes. They may not seem like much, but they are mine. Maybe they are shared by a few, maybe not. But it gives a small insight into what kind of person Carah is. J

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